Complaint Policy

This Complaint Policy should be read in conjunction with the Company’s Terms and Conditions

All disagreements between the Company and the Client related to transactions, withdrawals, deposits, and other actions will be attempted to resolve through negotiations.


If a dispute arises, the Client may submit a complaint to the Company and send a statement to the Company. The Client must submit all cases, complaints, or notices related to transactions by the following requirements:

All claims must be submitted in writing

All claims must include at least the following:

  1. Last name
  2. First name
  3. Middle name (if any)
  4. Client’s e-mail
  5. Client’s Profile ID
  6. Date and time of the problem
  7. Summary of the problem
  8. Client’s demands
  9. If the claim is valued in money, the Client must state the claimed amount and justified calculation of it
  10. Provide circumstances that are the grounds for the claim and evidence supporting those circumstances, including reference to the clause of this Agreement (annexes hereto) that were breached in the Client’s opinion
  11. A list of documents and other evidence attached to the complaint authenticated by the Client
  12. Other information required to settle the issue.

The Client must send all claims within five (5) business days after the event that was the reason for submitting the relevant claim. The Client acknowledges that a delay in submission of the claim may be a ground for a refusal its consideration

The Client must send the claims by e-mail to the official address of the Company: The claims sent in another form will not be reviewed.


The Company will not review any claims that contain emotional evaluation, offensive comments, profanity, or abuse.


The Company may request additional documents and information from the Client. A claim will be reviewed based on the Client's information and log entries from the Company server. Log entries from the Company Server always prevail over other evidence and proof. The Company assumes no responsibility for unfinished trades and will not compensate for any financial losses or moral abuse experienced by the Client regarding what the Client considers to be lost profits. All references to information from other companies and websites will not be considered when reviewing disputes.


The Company may refuse a claim if the terms of this section are violated.


The Company must review a claim within ten working days at maximum after the date of submission. This term does not include the time the Client may need to provide additional documents upon the Company's request.


The claim procedure for dispute resolution will be deemed followed if:

the form and content of the claim meet the requirements of parts 2.1., 2.2., and 2.3.; the claim is sent to the Company's registration address by registered or certified mail; the Client has a confirmation of claim receipt by the Company; the deadline for replying to the claim has expired. The claim response time is sixty (60) calendar days after the Company receives it


In case of any disputes, the Company reserves the right to block all transactions in the Client's Account until the dispute is settled or until the Parties come to an interim agreement.

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