Refund Policy

This Policy should be read in conjunction with the Company’s Terms and Conditions.

The purpose of this policy is to determine the return of funds procedure and for the prevention of conflicts between clients and the Company, as well as reduction of risks related to AML.

The Company reserves the right, if necessary, to return / send back the net amount received to the remitter by the same method. The refund will be made using the same details that a Client used for making the deposit, where possible. However, in case where it is technically impossible to withdraw funds to the payment system that was used to deposit funds, the funds shall be sent to a payment account on the Clients’ name through an alternative payment method, which shall be chosen by the Company according to the Clients wishes.

The Company prohibits third party and/or anonymous deposits and only accepts deposits carried out by account holders. In case a deposit is made to a Client account by a third party, the Company shall send the funds back to the third-party source via the same payment method.

The Company shall not return funds that have been used for trading activities and/or associated charges. The Company reserves the right, at its discretion, to amend this Policy in the future.

Please refer to the Company’s Terms and Conditions for additional information.

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