Code of Conduct

Promotional Activities in Chats

On our website, it is prohibited to:

  • Promote any services without the prior consent of the Customer Support Team.
  • Promote and/or advertise any goods and/or services.
  • Make financial and/or other deals in chats.

In the event where any violations of the above rules are identified by the administrator or moderators, the account of the user who violated the rules will be blocked permanently. Our platform does not assume any responsibility or liability for any advertising and/or promotional activity that is carried out in violation of the above rules.

Rules of Conduct for Chat Users

In our chats it is strictly prohibited to do the following, and any user can be banned for:

  • Using abusive or vulgar terms, profanity or swearing, mild expletives in any form and context.
  • Insulting or offending other users in any way.
  • Making statements that incite ethnic or racial hatred or discrimination, advocate violence in any form, and/or outrage religious feelings of other users.
  • Posting information and messages that are contrary to any applicable law.
  • Posting same-type information, sending duplicate messages, posting similar graphic files, holding unreasoned disputes (flooding), making radical statements, getting personal (flaming), posting irrelevant messages (spamming), discussing political news and events.
  • Using abusive or vulgar terms (both explicitly and implicit) in the user's nickname.
  • Distributing malicious links, links to third-party online projects, and/or sponsored links.
  • Insulting and/or offending administrators, moderators, and/or chat developers.
  • Discussing the actions taken by moderators. If you believe that you have not been treated fairly, please contact our administrator.
  • Requiring a moderator status or any other admin status.
  • Using uppercase excessively.
  • Posting contact details and links to social media accounts, as well as sharing contact details and such links with other users.
  • Using another language than the language set for this specific chat.
  • Encouraging other users to violate the rules of conduct.
Rules for Moderators
  • As a representative of the administration, the moderator must comply strictly with all the rules of conduct in chats and set the pattern for other users.
  • Before applying any penalties, the moderator must notify the user that he/she has violated the rules of conduct in chats. The moderator reserves the right not to inform the user of his/her violation if the user explicitly insulted another user (users), posted a link to another site, contributed to flooding or repeatedly violated the rules of conduct in chats.
Esqueceu a senha?
ou use uma conta de rede social
Não tem uma conta? Registrar-se
Confirmo que tenho 18 anos ou mais e aceito os Termos e Condições e a Política de Privacidade
ou use uma conta de rede social
Já tem uma conta? Entrar
Recuperação de senha
Para começar o processo de alteração da sua senha, insira seu telefone ou e-mail
ou use uma conta de rede social
Não tem uma conta? Registrar-se
Recuperação de senha
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O botão Reenviar estará ativo em
Recuperação de senha
O código de verificação acaba de ser enviado para o seu telefone
Recuperação de senha
Insira a nova senha
Recuperação de senha
Sua senha foi alterada com sucesso
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Verificação de telefone
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Pressione “Enviar Código” para enviá-lo para
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